
Updated War Approach

Hey everyone,

As you’ve probably noticed we are still not at 30 members.  We have been using “open” wars (no assigned BGs) for a few wars with mixed success.  Managing two BGs of random people creates a few difficulties:

  1. BG Generals need to rethink the paths for each war because which summoners are available to attack isn’t known until attack almost starts
  2. Summoners get moved to different paths frequently which makes it difficult to become accustomed to a route and the nodes you will see on it (one example, not realizing your path requires a bleed immune champ)
  3. Defensive diversity is difficult to maintain
  4. Defensive placement is complex because the available champs change each war as summoners change in and out.  Determining the best boss, the best minibosses etc takes time


The plan for the near future is to continue 2 BG wars but we will try a different approach.  We will use our assigned BGs but each BG will get 1 day off each week.

  • Wednesday Night War search – BG1 and BG2 place but BG3 takes the day off
  • Friday Night War Search – BG2 and BG3 place but BG1 takes the day off
  • Sunday Night War Search – BG1 and BG3 place but BG2 takes the day off

If one of the BGs is short because we are under 30 people then one of the officers will fill in the hole.  If you are assigned to a BG but unable to participate in your war (example, vacation) please reach out to one of the officers to get coverage.

This will allow us to keep set diversity and regular paths for people but still work only two BGs.

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