BG Assignments

Alliance Quest restarting today 3-28-17 (Historical Archive)

All… AQ starts in a few hours.  We are going to continiue trying to clear two battle groups.  I think we have strong enough folks still.
We will keep the same assigned spots from AW.  There will be five designated spots in each Battlegroup and they are as follows;

Bg1: Bassman, Champ, Triliver, Wozab, Leros.

Bg2: Tilt, Bone, Harsh, Kim, Lelele.

These ten people have spots reserved for them, if they haven’t joined, make sure there is room before you join.
Everyone remember to,get into a BG with your best available fighters.  Every point counts towards getting T4B shards at the end of the event.

See the image of AQ tiers.  We used to bounce back and forth between beginner and normal.  We would get promoted one week and demoted the next on and on.  It still results in solid t4b shards…  For the last 2 sessions we have been in the bottom portion of beginner tier and hence did not get promoted.  I believe the totals were skewed because map 4 was free and we were gettjng outscored.  Our overall point total stayed pretty consistent.  So hopefully this week, with things back to normal costs we will again get a promotion to normal tier.  This is assuming we continue clearing 2 BGs of map 3 when not in AW and map 2 when in AW.

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